Virtuemart eps-Überweisung Module Installation

The eps-Überweisung payment module for Vitureemart allows you to quickly integrate the eps-Überweisung payment system into your Virtuemart webshop.
VirtueMart is a free online shop software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License. It runs as a component in the content management system Joomla, is written in PHP and uses MySQL as a database. With many enhancements, the system offers comprehensive functions for the sale of all kind of goods or services.

The eps payment system enables the guaranteed processing of the payment of your web shop products and services on the Austrian as well as on the German market and without much technical effort. If your customer pays via eps you will receive an immediate payment confirmation. Notice: At the moment only OpenCart version 3.x is supported. In order to use this module, you need merchant credentials which you will receive after signing a merchant contract with one of the, Acquirer from our contact Page.

Module - Installation Guideline:

Preparation: Please download and extract the module installation file.

zip.png Virtuemart 3.2.x - eps-Überweisung - Payment Method 1.0.1 HOT
eps-Überweisung payment-method for Virtuemart Webshop Software.
The plugin is tested with Virtuemart 3.2.x version.

Installation guideline
License GNU/GPL link_extern.gif Date 2017-09-25 File Size 288.04 KB Download 12,536 Download

After extracting the file you will have two new files: 

  • Installation Guideline.pdf
The integration of eps-transfer takes less than 5 minutes.

Module Installation.

Log into Joomla Admin section:

 Navigate to Extensions -> Manage -> Install menu item:


Follow the instructions in the next window to install the plugin.

If the installation confirmation is displayed on the screen, the plugin is installed and ready for configuration.

The next step is to check if the plugin is activated. Navigate to the menu item Extensions -> Plugins.

To filter out the eps plugin type eps in the search field. If the green check mark is visible next to Eps Payment, the plug-in is activated, otherwise it must be activated.

If the plugin is activated, the eps-Überweisung be added to the Virtuemart. Navigate to the menu item Virtuemart->Payment methods (or alternativley to Components->Virtuemart->Payment methods) and in the next window on New.

The payment form consists of two parts. In the first part, it is important to fill in the fields: "payment method description", "published", "payment method" and "currency". Optinally, you can only activate the payment type for certain buyer groups.

Fill in the fields as shown below and then click Save and the first part of the payment method installation is completed

Now click on the Configuration Tab and enter your merchant credentials. Here you can optionally activate the payment method only for certain countries (for example Austria and Germany). Then click on "Save" or "Save and close"..

This completes the installation and configuration of the eps plugin. You can now test the payment method.
Note: We also offer you the possibility to test the eps-transfer module installation (test mode) without having to make real transactions. For more information, please contact us by filling out the Support-Form.